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Asked by: Yaneisy Alum
technology and computing programming languagesCan you learn British Sign Language online?
Similarly one may ask, can you learn sign language on your own?
Like any spoken language, ASL is alanguagewith its own unique rules of grammar andsyntax. Tolearn enough signs for basic communicationand tosign them comfortably, can take a yearor more.You can start learning ASL by attending asignlanguage class.
Also know, how long will it take to learn sign language?
Learning ASL is not easier thanlearningspoken French or any other spoken language.It takesat least six 3-credit ASL courses over the span of2-3 years toattain a beginning-intermediate skill. To attainanintermediate-fluent skill, it takes another 2 years intheASL/English interpretation training.
One notable difference you will see is thatBSL(British Sign Language) uses a 2 handed manualalphabetwhereas ASL(American Sign Language) uses a onehanded manualalphabet. Both ASL and BSL however have thesame potentialfor expressing subtle, technical and complexmeanings as do spokenlanguages.