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Asked by: Nessrine Jordison
technology and computing wearable technologyCan you link two phones together?
Also, what happens when you pair two phones together?
Bluetooth pairing occurs when twoenableddevices agree to establish a connection andcommunicate witheach other, share files and information . In orderto pair twoBluetooth wireless devices, a passwordcalled a"passkey" is exchanged between bothdevices.
Then, how do I link two iPhones to each other?
How to Sync Multiple iPhones
- Connect each iPhone to your computer using a USBconnectorcable. Launch iTunes.
- Select the iPhone you want to sync from theDevicessection.
- Navigate through each of the available tabs and changeyourpersonal sync settings for the iPhone.
- Click on the "Summary" tab and then click "Sync."
My favourite way to sync is via a Googleaccount.If you sign in to the same Google account ontwo ormore devices, the data is more likely to besyncedautomatically. To reduce data and battery consumption,go toSettings, Account Settings (ignore if none), thenGoogle,then uncheck apps that you do not needtosync.