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Asked by: Vivan Manonelles
personal finance retirement planningCan you live off interest of 1 million dollars?
Say you retire with $1 million in savings and invest it all in a portfolio of fixed-income investments at 6% and live off of the interest. That's $60,000 per year plus Social Security and a pension if you're lucky. After your death, your surviving spouse or other heirs get the entire $1 million you started with.
Also question is, how much interest does 1 million dollars earn per year?
For example, one million dollars earning 0.01% in a savings account would generate $100 of interest after a year, while a CD paying 2.5% would generate $25,000 of interest.
how much do you need to live off interest?
So as a general rule, experts recommend counting on needing 70% to 90% of your current expenses. Next, you need to choose an interest rate. Banks have paid under 1% in recent years, while they used to pay in the high single digits in the early 1990s. If you want to be conservative, you could go with 1% to 3%.
and 26 years