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Asked by: Izei Mendate
medical health pharmaceutical drugsCan you mail prescription medication internationally?
Also to know is, can you mail prescription drugs internationally?
You are only permitted to mailprescriptiondrugs via the USPS if you are a pharmacistor medicalprovider mailing such drugs to the patientthey havebeen prescribed to. This means that without propermedicallicensing you can receive prescription drugs,butyou cannot, under any circumstance,mailthem.
In this regard, can I mail prescription drugs through FedEx?
Licensed mail-order pharmacies use thislawfulpractice to deliver medicine to millions of patientson adaily basis. To further clarify, FedEx is not chargedwithknowingly shipping a substance which is unlawful to possess,use,or prescribe.
When it comes to sending food itemsabroadvia courier, the rules are relatively simple:You cannotsend any food items that are classedas perishables(things that can go off or that canspoil duringtransit). This is the most important rule of all, andas long asyou stick to this rule, you will bejustfine.