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Asked by: Ezzahraa Valdivia
technology and computing cameras and camcordersCan you make a wired security camera wireless?
Hereof, are wired security cameras better than wireless?
One main advantage of wire-free securitycamerasis that they are not vulnerable to power outageslikewireless and wired security cameras asthey'rebattery operated. Unlike wired and wirelesssystemswhich require connecting to a DVR or NVR recorder,wire-freecameras transmit and store security footageto thecloud.
Thereof, can I make my DVR Wireless?
A DVR box, such as those provided by DirecTVandDish Network, can come with an Ethernet port to connecttothe Internet. One way to get an Internet connection ontheDVR is to connect an Ethernet cable from the routerusedwith your computer. Another way is to connect awirelessreceiver to use with a wirelessrouter.
If you choose wire-free security cameras, allyouneed to do is put the batteries in. If you get awirelesssecurity camera, plug the power cable into anelectricoutlet. And for PoE security cameras, just plug theEthernetcable to a router.