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Asked by: Vladislava Winkelbach
technology and computing web hostingCan you make money on Flippa?
Also, how much money can you make selling websites?
Depending on the type of website, a goodgeneralrule of thumb is 24-36x the monthly revenue. So ifyourwebsite makes $1,000 per month, a good range for itsvaluewould be $24,000 to $36,000. Now you mightbewondering why such a big range in valuation. Thereasondepends largely on the type of website.
Also to know is, how do you make money flipping websites?
Flipping is basically buying a product, repairingorreplenishing it and selling it at a higher price.
Steps to make money with Website Flipping
- Choose your content.
- Domain name.
- Web hosting.
- Template or WordPress.
- Go for Advertising.
- Rich content.
- SEO.
- More traffic – More selling potential.
If you want to get into the businessofbuying and selling websites for profityourself,first become a financial buyer so you can make aprofit.Once you have a solid portfolioofmoney-making web properties, you canswitchover to being more strategic and creative with your onlinepropertypurchases.