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Asked by: Suzi Nahmer
hobbies and interests paranormal phenomenaCan you move an entire house in Sims 4?
Subsequently, one may also ask, can I move a house in Sims 4?
If you want your Sim to move into a home intheNeighborhood, pick 'Manage Households' at the top right cornerinthe map view. You will see your Sim either under PlayedorUnplayed Households. Pick the Sim, then Move HouseholdontoLot (the Moving Truck icon) and select OK. Nowyoucan select where that Sim will live.
Moreover, can you move a house to a different lot?
House moving requires picking the houseupfrom its foundation and setting it down in anotherspot,sometimes miles away. If a home is subject to dangerssuchas flooding, you can relocate it to a safer spot. Homesmaybe moved because they're in the way ofdevelopment,such as encroaching shopping centers orhighways.
User Info: ImDone. Its not a button to do so persay,toremove them from the household, you can use the phone, newspaperornearby PC and select the option to "Move out sim" fromthereyou can take the sim your kicking out and mergethemwith a household you have no intention of playingas.