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Asked by: Yordany Souza
business and finance construction industryCan you Mudjack cracked concrete?
Beside this, how much does it cost to lift a concrete slab?
According to, the online home improvement experts concrete slab repair costs only $850. Expenses can vary, but most homeowners spend between $500 and $1,207 for concrete lifting. Simple jobs can cost as little as $300 and, on the high end, mudjacking charges may range up to $2,075 in total.
Then, how long does Mudjacking last?
The specialized cement slurry used in mudjacking is strong enough to keep the slab in place for several years. In fact, most homeowners report that their repairs last about 8 to 10 years.
Mudjacking can last for long periods, but it is inherently less reliable and usually does need to be replaced. The injected materials are extremely heavy (30-50 times heavier than their polyurethane equivalent) and can cause a new round of soil compression (and foundation sinking) beneath the slab.