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Asked by: Gertrude Mink
technology and computing antivirus softwareCan you only get Hulu in America?
In this regard, why is Hulu only available in the US?
No, Hulu doesn't have any international plans,butowners say that may change. Hulu currently offers plansinthe U.S. only. However, Hulu with Live TV isonlyavailable in the 50 United States. Because ofthis,Hulu also has a few restrictions related to how itdetectsyour location.
Subsequently, question is, can I watch Hulu outside the US?
Since Hulu is an online content streamingservicethat is exclusive to the US, you will not beable toaccess the Hulu app for iOS on Apple Store if youresideoutside US. To be able to see the app (let alonedownloadit) you need a Hulu VPN to switch to a USIPaddress.
Other than that, there aren't any more methods whichyoucan use right now in order to watch Netflixfromoutside the US. That is the US versionofNetflix. With the help of a VPN service, you'll be abletounlock the US version of Netflix innotime.