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Asked by: Torben Erbrich
technology and computing web design and htmlCan you override inline style with CSS?
By default, inline CSS is considered first before internal or external CSS. Therefore, there is no need to override it as it will be applied once the style is inline. The order of precedence is : inline CSS ( html style attribute ) overrides CSS rules in style tag and CSS file.
Just so, does inline CSS override external?
It works kind of counter-intuitively, so just to explain further: inline styles override internal CSS, and internal CSS overrides external CSS files, and external CSS files override browser defaults. One way to think about it is like layers. The “closer” the style is to the element, the higher precedence it has.
Similarly one may ask, how do I override CSS styles?
There are three ways of achieving this that I can think of.
- Add inline styles to the elements.
- create and append a new <style> element, and add the text to override this style to it.
- Modify the css rule itself.
HTML inline styles are stronger than the CSS so in this case the text will be grey, but we can overwrite this with an ! important rule from the stylesheet.