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Asked by: Odon Anderegg
hobbies and interests woodworkingCan you paint hardwood floors without sanding?
Simply so, is painting wood floors a good idea?
In fact, a painted wood floor can look justasattractive as a natural one, and in some cases it can lookevenbetter. Painting a wood floor is alessdemanding task than refinishing it with clear finish, but asistrue for every decorating job, you get the best results if youusegood methods.
Likewise, people ask, can you paint old hardwood floors?
How To Paint Wood Floors. Make sureyourfloor hasn't been waxed before painting, andremovethe wax if it has. Step 1: Rough Surface: Using a square padsander(or by hand), rough up the finish on the floor with150-gritsandpaper. You don't need to completely sand them,justremove the gloss from the old finish.
Paint Doesn't Always Age Well Stained wood floors stay looking good for10years or longer. Oil-based paints are more durablethanlatex enamel varieties, but some states have banned interioruse ofoil-based paints due to the harmful fumesitemits.