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Asked by: Petrisor Niccolini
hobbies and interests woodworkingCan you paint over old hardwood floors?
Consequently, can you paint hardwood floors without sanding?
Because painting doesn't require thatdeepsanding, you can keep your floors ratherthanreplace or cover them. And like stained floors,paintedwood floors can be mopped and scrubbed, withno polishrequired!
- 1. Make your formula. Mix 3/4 cup of rubbing alcohol and 1/4cupof lemon juice together.
- Scrape what you can off. Using a butter knife or another edge(Iused an unwanted cd), scrape off what you can of the paint.
- Wash the rest away.
Consequently, what kind of paint do you use on wood floors?
Painting. Buy a latex paint especiallyformulatedfor floors or decks. Floor and deckpaintsoften come in a semi-gloss finish, because you'regoing to top thepaint with polyurethane, you don't wantthat. Thepolyurethane will provide the shine and it will adherebetter toflat paint than glossy.
Wood floors offer a natural glow to anydecor.Painting your wood floor black may seemlikesacrilege at first, but many interior designers and artistshaveused painted floors for decades. The key is not to skimponthe prep work and to use paint specifically formulatedforfloors.