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Asked by: Mercy Zitzewitz
hobbies and interests woodworkingCan you paint over stained baseboards?
Furthermore, can you paint over stained wood without sanding?
If you've ever wondered if you can paint without without sanding, I have the solution for you! Liquid Sandpaper! You can paint over stained wood, painted wood and so much more with this simple method. It's a great alternative to sandpaper that provides that same “rough” surface for paint to adhere.
Keeping this in consideration, can you paint trim that has been stained?
Once sanded, stained wood trim accepts new layers of paint easily. But over time, the stain can seep through the paint. The discoloration is most pronounced if you are using white paint or a very light-colored paint. Fortunately, some additional wood preparation can prevent stain bleeding.
To paint over a stain, lightly sand all glossy surfaces until the finish is dull, then wipe it down with a damp rag dipped in de-glosser. Allow time to dry. Then with even strokes, apply a quick-dry primer-sealer to prevent bleed-through. Allow the sealer to dry, and you're ready for your finish coat.