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Asked by: Dalmacia Wasserloos
home and garden interior decoratingCan you paint your front door two different colors?
Regarding this, do you paint both sides of a front door the same color?
Being your favourite colour, you are also using this palette inside, in which case, it is absolutely fine to paint the interior of your front door, the same as the outside colour. It doesn't matter that the rest of the doors throughout your house are white.
Additionally, what does the color of your front door mean?
What Your Front Door Color Says About You. Red: Red is one of the most common front door colors and in early American tradition, a red door meant “welcome.” While bright red says you're exciting and vibrant, a darker red can mean you're warm and inviting. Black: Black is a color that symbolizes order and control.
Use a neutral hue such as brown, black, or gray for a look that will withstand the test of time. Even deep reds and navy blues are classic front door colors that act as neutrals.