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Asked by: Elenita Sabuquillo
business and finance sale and lease backCan you pawn a camera without a charger?
As a result, the pawn shop is unlikely to offeryou the same amount of money for your item as if ithad its charger the whole time. If your digitalcamera is missing the charger you may be surprised tofind out not all pawn shops will buy digital cameraswithout the charger.
Then, can I pawn a camera?
One of the most popular and highly valued item forpawn loan is DSLR camera. You can also getestimates for camera lenses and other accessories. Youcan pawn both: camera kit and just camerabody. But if you have a bag full of camera lenses, flashesand accessories you can definitely count on more cash frompawn shop.
Subsequently, question is, how much do pawn shops pay for digital cameras?
Digital Camera Pawn Value by Brand
Digital Camera Pawned | Average Pawn Value | Minimum Pawn Value |
Canon | $113.27 | $12 |
Sony | $115 | $30 |
GoPro | $75 | $75 |
Samsung | $21 | $10 |
Between 26 and 42 Inches. If your television isbetween 26 and 42 inches, in good condition and is completethan you can expect to get between $75 and $200 forit.