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Asked by: Aneudy Konigstein
home and garden landscapingCan you plant Crocosmia bulbs in the fall?
Furthermore, how do you winterize Crocosmia?
Set the Crocosmia corms with the pointy end facing up. Cover it and press the soil down around the roots and water the planting area thoroughly. Add a thick, dry, organic mulch to keep the soil moist and protect our crocosmias in winter.
- Divide Crocosmia and Dierama in spring.
- To remove the corms without damage, dig down 30cm (1ft) to avoid and gently lift.
- The roots of both perennials form 'chains' of corms, which can be replanted intact or individually separated.
- Discard wizened or diseased corms and trim old leaves.
In this way, can you divide crocosmia in autumn?
You can split these corms apart in spring or late autumn before new growth appears every two to three years. Splitting, or dividing, the corms provides you with new plants and prevents the bed from becoming crowded.
Just to let anyone else know, Crocosmia (AKA Montbretia, Coppertips, Falling Stars, and also commonly the "Lucifer Plant" after the popular cultivar) is a "corm plant", and can therefore cause mild gastrointestinal upset to both dogs and cats if the above-ground parts of the plant are eaten.