Asked by: Haykanush Knuckles
home and garden landscaping

Can you plant mums outside in the fall?

Florist mums planted outside are most likely being used as short-term bedding plants that will be removed when the blooms are spent. You can plant a potted florist mum you receive as a gift, and it may grow for the summer, but it will not survive the winter outside, no matter how much protection you give it.

In this regard, can I plant potted mums in the fall?

Plant Them Anyway Technically, however, they can be planted in your garden any time before the first frost of fall. This means you can try removing the mums from your pot and planting them in the ground in the fall. Although your potted mums may look dead, they might just be dormant.

Additionally, how do you plant hardy mums in the fall? Plant Hardy Mums in Spring Place them in well-drained soil in a sunny spot. They prefer a soil pH slightly on the acidic side, so performing a soil test will help you determine if you need to add an amendment to your soil to adjust the pH. Once planted, water once a week through fall.

Keeping this in consideration, how late can you plant mums in the fall?

The early to mid-spring is the best time to plant mums. Mums may die off and only last for a single year if added later in the year such as during the fall or the onset of winter. With proper care, they will become a perennial fixture in your flower garden.

What temperature is too cold for mums?

Cold Temperatures In general, mums are hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 9, although this can vary slightly by species. According to the USDA map, the lowest minimum temperatures mums can survive are right around 20 degrees below zero Fahrenheit.

Related Question Answers

Desmond Widdowson


Can I plant mums in October?

September – If they are planted in September and the weather in September and October is warm, they can possibly overwinter as other perennials. OctoberMums planted this late in the fall season may not have time for their root systems to become established enough to survive the winter.

Nury Grawert


Do deer eat mums?

Chrysanthemums are not toxic to deer, and in fact, many species are frequently severely damaged by the large, hungry mammals. Deer are not as likely to come right up to your porch and eat the mums in pots as they are to eat mums planted at the edge of your yard.

Daba Ricardino


Should you deadhead mums?

Deadhead mums in late spring to mid summer.
This is right before blooming season, so the flowers have time to branch off from the cut stems. If you are growing your mums in a greenhouse or indoors, you can deadhead them as soon as you see dead growths since the mums won't be exposed to cold weather.

Gaizkane Griessbaum


How long will mums last?

four to six weeks

Doralice Arexerdi


What do I do with my mums after they fall?

Cut all of the plant's stems back to 6 to 8 inches above ground level either shortly after the mum has finished blooming or in late winter just as new growth emerges. You may opt to leave the stems intact until spring growth develops if you find the dead stems of winter interest or valuable to wildlife.

Venessa Dekovnick


When should I trim my mums?

As a general rule, the time to prune -- or "pinch" -- your mums is from spring into the early summer. Start doing it in spring, when the shoots are about 4 to 6 inches long. Keep pinching every two to three weeks through the spring and all the way through July.

Ratiba Husz


Are mums inside or outside plants?

Florist mums planted outside are most likely being used as short-term bedding plants that will be removed when the blooms are spent. You can plant a potted florist mum you receive as a gift, and it may grow for the summer, but it will not survive the winter outside, no matter how much protection you give it.

Giuliana Villaverde


Do mums reseed themselves?

You will have some buds on them by then, but don't worry. They will grow back and your plant won't look dead in the middle." Many people buy mums in the fall thinking the plants are annuals. But if you buy hardy mums, you can get them to bloom year after year.

Teresa Jakovlenko


Is it too late to plant mums in October?

Most gardeners plant mums too late in the fall for the plants to survive over winter. Some of the mums may come back the next year if they are mulched. The shallow-rooted mums that are planted late in fall while in full bud or flower just do not have enough time to establish before winter sets in.

Ulla Hortas


Do mums like sun or shade?

As much as you can give them. Mums will thrive in full sun conditions, given adequate moisture. About three hours of direct sunlight is about the minimum that will produce bushy plants and plenty of flowers.

Manjit Averik


Can I transplant mums in the fall?

They are perennial in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 9, although they also grow well as annuals. Transplant any potted mums in spring after frost danger has passed or in fall six weeks before the first expected freeze. Turn the soil again immediately before planting.

Anilda Traves


Can mums survive a frost?

Frost Protection
Mums do not respond well to frosts and freezes, which may not occur until December or January in warmer areas. If you don't want your mums to suffer damage, you can protect them by moving them to a sheltered area such a garage or porch if they are potted.

Eusebio Siewert


What type of mums are perennials?

Garden mums, also known as hardy mums, are perennial mums. Cut-flower chrysanthemums, like spider mums or football mums, are perennials in Zones 5 to 9, and these types are becoming easier to find for sale online.

Helmer Schinagl


How do you winterize mums?

The next step in winter care for mums is to properly insulate them in the fall. The leaves of the plant will die back and become brown after a few hard frosts have hit your area. After the foliage of the plant has died back, you will need to cut it back. Cut back the stems of the mums to 3 to 4 inches above the ground.

Inazio Orizamo


Are mums toxic to dogs?

Toxicity. According to the ASPCA, chrysanthemums are among many toxic plants that can harm your dog. Clinical signs that might indicate your pup has ingested flowers, leaves or stems of mums include vomiting, diarrhea, excessive drooling, lack of coordination and dermatitis.

Eudosio Abando


Does Home Depot have mums?

$20 - $30 - Garden Mums - The Home Depot. To see what's in stock near you, please enter you zip code or local store number.

Izana Strong


Why do my mums keep dying?

The flowers may wilt and die quite suddenly. These diseases live in the soil and attack the roots, so they are hard to avoid. Finally, poor environmental conditions such as overly wet or dry soil weaken the mums, which can lead to the plants becoming more susceptible to fungi, diseases and insects.

Blanka Tolde


When can I plant mums outside?

Early planting—even as early as late August—helps plants develop a strong root system. Plant garden mums too late, and winter freeze-thaw cycles can shove plants out of soil, a condition known as frost heave. Without early planting to permit strong root growth, shallow rooted garden mums don't really stand a chance.

Xuefen Lermo


How big do hardy mums get?

Although they are low maintenance perennials, the care you provide can affect the overall size your plants reach. With optimal conditions, mums can reach a height of 12 to 48 inches tall with a width of 24 to 36 inches.