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Asked by: Sau Pfaffmann
home and garden landscapingCan you plant pumpkins in the same spot every year?
Herein, do pumpkins come back year after year?
All the “Free” Pumpkins that Grow Each Year. Every year, the most common question people ask us is, “Do you have to replant the pumpkins every year, or do they just come up on their own?” The answer is Yes! We have to replant every single year, buying new seeds, which is our #1 expense in growing pumpkins.
Also, can you plant peas in the same place every year?
Peas are susceptible to root fungus, so do not plant them in the same spot again for four years to minimize disease. You can plant fast growing spring vegetables like radishes or spinach between the rows to save space.
Many annual crops will reseed themselves if you leave them in the garden long enough for the seeds to mature and the fruit to decompose. Annual veggies that frequently reseed and provide volunteer seedlings include winter squash and pumpkins, tomatoes and tomatillos, watermelon, and New Zealand spinach.