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Asked by: Resurreccion Caski
technology and computing virtual realityCan you play PlayStation VR games without the VR?
Likewise, can PlayStation VR be used on any game?
The $399 PlayStation VR platform isn't justforgaming content, Sony announced during its pressconferencefor the virtual reality hardware. The cinematicmodewill allow you to play existing PS4 gamesanduse video features, and the player will be abletoselect small, medium or large sizes for thevirtualscreen.
Keeping this in consideration, do you need the PlayStation camera for VR?
PlayStation VR checklist While you may think this is a silly sectiontoinclude in a setup article, but unlike other systems,Sony'sPlayStation VR doesn't come with everything youneedin the box. In fact, the standard bundle doesn't eveninclude thePlayStation Camera, vital for PSVRuse.
You can use your PSVR without a TV,andit's actually awesome. It can be inconvenient to findtheperfect spot to play VR games, but it doesn't need tobe.But fortunately, at least in the case of the PlayStationVR,you can easily eliminate one ofthosevariables.