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Asked by: Abderzak Galimany
home and garden home entertainingCan you plug in composite video into component?
Similarly, you may ask, can you hook up composite to component?
While the cables are the same, compositeandcomponent are not compatible with eachother.Component out should always go to component in,andcomposite out always goes to composite in. by thewayof you are after video quality componentisbetter.
Similarly, can I plug in RCA to component?
You might assume that if you can connectregularRCA audio video gear with a component cable,youcan also use a red, yellow and white cord toconnectup a newer piece of equipment with componentvideoconnections. It'll work in a pinch, but you'll losevideoquality.
Robert Silva has written about audio, video,andhome theater topics since 1998. Composite video signalsareanalog and typically consists of 480i (NTSC)/576i (PAL)standarddefinition resolution video signals.