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Asked by: Afif Izkurdia
style and fashion mens shoes and footwearCan you polish faux leather shoes?
Beside this, can you put shoe polish on faux leather?
Leather, Patent Leather, andFauxLeather Shoes Allow the shoes to air dry completely. Forscuffson real leather shoes, use a commercialpolishand simply follow the directions. If you don'thave apolish that matches today's rainbow of colors, wet asoftcloth with water and dip it in a bit ofbakingsoda.
- Mix 1 cup of dishwashing liquid into 1 gallon of warm water inabucket.
- Dip a soft-bristled brush in the soap solution and use ittogently scrub your faux leather item.
- Rinse the faux leather with cold water to remove thesoapresidue.
- Hang the faux leather to air dry.
Subsequently, one may also ask, how do you get scratches out of faux leather shoes?
- Sand the flaking faux leather off with 180 grit sandpaper.
- Color in any discolored cracks with a marker that matchestheshoes.
- Use a clean rag to rub shoe polish on the surface oftheshoes.
- Paint shoe goo over the shoe witha1⁄2 inch (1.3 cm) paintbrush.
- Let the shoe goo dry for 24 hours.
Clean you shoes by removing dirt with a mixtureofsoap and warm water applied with a soft bristled brush. Wipethemwith a dry cloth using a circular motion. Aftercleaning, putthem on a hanger and allow them to air dry.Under no circumstancesshould you place them in a dryer, becausethey can crack ormelt.