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Asked by: Stanislawa Hakhulin
hobbies and interests woodworkingCan you polyurethane over prefinished hardwood flooring?
Regarding this, can you put polyurethane on finished hardwood floors?
A: Yes, a polyurethane-finished hardwood can be recoated if you take the proper steps to prep the finish. First, lightly sand with No. 2 steel wool or a dull 120- to 150-grit abrasive screen using a heavy floor buffer.
Herein, can prefinished hardwood flooring be refinished?
Refinishing requires heavy sanding: While prefinished floors do not need to be refinished for a very long time, eventually the surface seal will start to fade, scratch, and discolor slightly. This cuts down on the thickness of the floor planks and limits how many times you can then refinish the floor in the future.
A: Nothing, provided you apply each coat of finish within a reasonable amount of time. If you get dust nibs or brush marks in the finish, sanding will smooth them, and your next coat will look better if you work on a smooth surface.