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Asked by: Abderrahim Mendracabeitia
technology and computing internet of thingsCan you program an Arduino with Python?
Yes, it is (somewhat) possible to program theArduino using Python. One such project onGithub is the Python Arduino Prototyping API v2. Thiscan be used for very simple projects.
Similarly, you may ask, can python be used to program microcontrollers?
While C and C++ might be the programminglanguages of choice (at least for now) for microcontrollers,they are increasingly being neglected for easier-to-uselanguages like Python, thanks to the rise of popularmicrocontrollers such as the Raspberry Pi and Intel Edissonand a growing and supporting community.
Thereof, what coding language does Arduino use?
First, the Arduino compiler/IDE accepts C andC++ as-is. In fact many of the libraries are written in C++.Much of the underlying system is not object oriented, but itcould be. Thus, "The arduino language" is C++or C.