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Asked by: Antoliana Mazzanti
home and garden landscapingCan you prune knockout roses in October?
Correspondingly, can you prune roses in October?
Although rose pruning can be done any time during the dormant season, now is a good time to prune repeat-flowering roses. They can look quite architectural in the winter garden. Autumn pruning also prevents wind damage to long shoots.
Also to know, when should knockout roses be cut back?
The ideal time to prune any type of rose is in the very late winter or early spring. They are best pruned as new growth is starting to develop. They can be pruned a little later into spring with good success. Fall is the worst time these plants should be pruned, as fall pruning can lead to winterkill.
Health: The dead or damaged canes of any rose should be cut back to green wood in late winter or early spring before the plant resumes growth. Trimming rose bushes removes diseased and dead stems and canes and reduces the overall size of the plant. Keep them within bounds by pruning their tips or entire canes anytime.