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Asked by: Abdelmounim Heintzer
home and garden home appliancesCan you put a freezer in a cupboard?
Also to know is, does a freezer need ventilation?
Generally speaking integrated fridges, freezers or combined fridge/freezers require air to be able to circulate in under the appliance, behind the appliance and back out through the top above the appliance. This can mean gaps or vents need to be added to any cabinetry surrounding the appliance in the appropriate areas.
Beside this, can you put any fridge in a cupboard?
If you enclose a fridge inside a cupboard that can't happen. The inside of the cupboard will heat up and the fridge compressor will run more and more the hotter it gets and use lots of power, and the contents of the fridge won't stay cool.
Yes, it is fine to be standing on a carpet. Don't put it in the airing cupboard, it might not get enough ventilation, the coils at the back rely on having some air to function properly.