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Asked by: Tifany Schoneberg
technology and computing virtual realityCan you put a GPU with an APU?
Subsequently, one may also ask, does an APU work with a graphics card?
YES you can add an NVIDIA GPU to your APUBut it will make the whole idea of getting an APU useless.Because it will not add to the power of your APU, but willuse your APU's cores as a normal CPU processor while yourcomputer will use the nvidia card only for graphicspurposes.
Then, is Apu good for gaming?
AMD Ryzen 3 2200G This means it should be good in all but the mostCPU-intensive games, and that it shouldn't bottleneck yourGPU until you exit the midrange of graphics cards. What makes thisAPU particularly good value is that it offers GT 1030performance, then pretty much throws in a great budget CPUfor free.
Yes You can run without an attachedgraphics card, of course depending that the motherboard hassupport for internal graphics APU and have some displayports available.