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Asked by: Patrica Idoi
home and garden home appliancesCan you put a headboard on a metal bed frame?
Likewise, can you put a headboard on any bed frame?
A standard bed frame may look quite simple, but it's equipped to hold practically any headboard. The bed-frame's headboard brackets usually have four horizontally oblong holes or slots, one above the other.
- Attach the legs to the headboard.
- Find the pre-drilled holes on the back of the bed base.
- Pierce the bed base fabric.
- Screw the bolt into the hole.
- Attach the headboard to the bed base.
- Adjust the headboard to the correct height.
Similarly, can you put a headboard on a metal platform bed?
Platform beds actually adapt to headboards better than traditional metal-frame or wooden-frame beds. The platforms are sturdy and have a wood back, sides and a solid wood front where you can attach the headboard using lag screws. If you have a platform bed that looks plain and simple, don't live with it.
Health Tips - Metal in Bedrooms Metals accumulate electrical charges which can distort the body's own electrical field. This can make it difficult for your body to heal and possibly to sleep. Do not use a box spring or the metal mattress bed frame it often sits on.