Asked by: Lucinia Hankofer
sports snooker and pool and billiards

Can you put an above ground pool on a patio?

As long as it's flat and level, a concrete pad is a perfect base for an above-ground pool. Homeowners who choose to install one of these pools often set it directly on the ground, but it's a better idea to place it on a concrete pad.

Also asked, what do you put under an above ground pool on concrete?

Solid Foam Use rigid urethane foam sheets for pool pads, not soft upholstery foam. Solid foam insulation can be an ideal on a concrete surface. One of the benefits of solid foam insulation is that it's made of polystyrene or polyurethane and thus is easily cut and shaped.

Additionally, what is the best material to put under an above ground pool? Mason sand or stone dust base material is used most often. Mason sand, also known as pool sand, will create a very smooth bottom layer and is the most popular choice.

Consequently, can you put an above ground pool on pavers?

We put pool on at least an 8-inch base of fine sand covered with a foam board for additional protection. This needs to be leveled so as to also provide the best water placement. Don't use the paver base; however, you may be able to use the pavers to contain the sand. You can do it on pavers, or concrete.

How do you prepare the ground for an above ground pool?

Yard Preparation

  1. Step 1: Placement. The first step is deciding where you want to place the swimming pool in the backyard.
  2. Step 2: Clean the Area. Remove all items that could make it difficult to secure a proper foundation for the pool.
  3. Step 3: Measure.
  4. Step 4: Start Digging.
  5. Step 5: Level the Pool Hole.
  6. Step 6: Wait 24 hours.

Related Question Answers

Alexandre Ferrari


What is a gorilla pad for pool?

Unlike traditional pool foam, which can be easily cut by grass, roots or rocks under your pool liner, Gorilla Pads are impervious to almost any sharp object. Gorilla Padding is a nonwoven polyester geotextile that was developed to protect trash dump liners where any cut would be a catastrophe.

Caritat Barbet


Is it OK to put an above ground pool on concrete?

When installing an above-ground pool, it's essential to level the ground where you intend to place it. A difference of more than 3 inches is not acceptable and will probably result in pool damage in short order. It's actually easier to construct a level concrete pad than it is to level bare ground.

Ale Zaccheo


Can you put a pool on grass?

Installing an above-ground pool on a natural grass lawn is not a good idea, particularly if you plan on taking down the pool for part of the year. Since natural grass does get muddy and can be quite slippery when wet, there are also issues around safety and, of course, tracking mud and wet grass into the house.

Anke Tuarez


Why do you put a tarp under a pool?

A tarp will allow all the lumps and bumps of a dirt base to show through into the base of your pool. It will cause the bottom to be lumpy and uneven and therefore hard to clean. The sand will smooth out making the bottom of your pool easier to clean and easier on the feet for walking on.

Nasra Vaugt


How do I level my ground for a pool without digging?

How to Level the Ground for Pool Installation Without Digging
  1. Tools you need to Establish Pool Location.
  2. 1) Hammer a stake into the ground where you want the center of your pool to be.
  3. 1) Remove any vegetation, such as grass, that is growing in the area where the pool will be placed.
  4. 2) Use a carpenter's level and check the ground to see if it is level.

Legarda Core


Should you put sand under an above ground pool?

Sand is the recommended base material upon which an aboveground pool should sit. Sand is used under an aboveground pool to protect the pool's vinyl liner from rocks and objects that could tear the liner. Also, sand under an aboveground pool acts as cushioning for its floor, making it more comfortable for feet.

Abderahim Adigamoff


Can Intex pools be put on concrete?

An Intex Pool would install nicely on concrete, all you would need would be a pool pad of some sort to set it on. The only problem is that there is no way I can think of to level the area. Installing a standard steel wall above ground pool on un-level concrete, however, is pretty easy.

Mamourou Sehli


Should I put sand under my Intex pool?

I use a little sand under Intex pools, to cushion the bottom, but not for leveling. You can then just use a ground cloth over the dirt or you could cover the area with an inch or so of sand. A twenty four foot pool would probably use about 3 tons of sand.

Laurindo Nizhegorodov


How many bags of sand do I need for a 15 foot pool?

For a pool that is 15ft x15 ft. which works out to be 225 square feet, for every inch of sand for your 225 sq. ft. area, you will need 38, 50lb bags of sand.

Sorinel Sachsenhauser


Should I put pavers under Pool legs?

Yes you DO want pavers under your legs. That will keep them from sinking. The pavers need to be level with the ground so they do not poke your liner. The ground prep is a lot of work BUT it will pay off in the end!

Matutina Erades


What do you put under your above ground pool legs?

Sand Pad. Sand spread out on your pool site is a traditional method of installing an above ground pool. Just like commercial pads, you can use the sand alone or place it on top of concrete. However, you should note that sand might make your pool to be unstable when on top of concrete.

Iskren Firnschild


How much leveling sand do I need?

The recommended depth of sand for laying pavers is 1 inch. As one inch is 1/12 of a foot, divide the surface area, in square feet, by 12 to find the cubic feet of sand required. For example, a 60-square-foot patio requires 5 cubic feet of sand because 60/12 = 5.

Rachel Makrani


How do you level ground for pool with pavers?

Method 1 Installing Paver Plates
  1. Dig out the sod to clear the area.
  2. Move the dirt around until the area is flat.
  3. Lay and connect the pool's bottom rails.
  4. Sink square pavers under the connected rails.
  5. Fill the inside of the ring with sand.
  6. Wet the sand with a hose.
  7. Tamp down the sand to make it compact.

Fanta Yushenkov


Can I use paver sand under my pool?

Concrete Sand
In many instances, this type of sand is utilized for purposes including the development of cement or hot mix asphalt, but it's also useful for holding paving stones in place, and can make a good solution for establishing a level surface for above-ground swimming pools.

Bondad Ghazal


How do you prepare the ground for an Intex pool?

Use a line level on the string to measure for level at 12-36 points around the pool. Use flat shovels or a sod cutter machine to remove turf, and lower the high spots. Add a one inch layer of sand. The Wrong Way: Raise the low spots by adding sand – not checking for level.

Darja Zufiaur


What kind of sand goes under an above ground pool?

Mason sand, sometimes called mortar sand, can normally be found at any sand/gravel yard or masonry supply yard. It is usually measured in yards. It is very fine and should not contain any rocks or pebbles. This will create a very smooth bottom and is the most popular method to use when installing an above ground pool.

Peñarroya Bronfn


What kind of sand do I put under a pool?

Many times, the best option is mason sand, sometimes referred to as mortar sand. Compared to other types, mason sand is less coarse, offering a softer surface for your pool liner to rest on. Mason sand tends to pack well, which can create a level surface for your pool installation.

Mahir Greben


How do you level ground easy?

To level ground, start by using strings attached to stakes set at the height where you would like the ground to sit to see how much dirt you will need to put down. Then, remove any existing grass from the area, and use a shovel to add an even layer of ground cover.

Cari Miedes


What should I put around my above ground pool?

Landscaping Around Your Above Ground Pool
  • Concrete or Pavers. Concrete patios are a dependable and easy to care for option for your poolside.
  • Gravel or Rock. Using gravel or rock is one of the most popular ways when landscaping around your above ground pool.
  • Plants or Trees.
  • Planters.