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Asked by: Antia Eichgrun
hobbies and interests woodworkingCan you put kitchen backsplash on drywall?
Besides, do you need special drywall for kitchen backsplash?
A tile backsplash in the kitchen may be applied over clean, level drywall since sinks are not considered wet areas, like showers, that require backer board. Also before you start, remember that using the correct trowel and mortar is critical to a successful tile project.
Similarly one may ask, can you put a backsplash on a painted wall?
A backsplash can be a great way to add color and durability to the area around a sink or stove. Adding a backsplash to a painted wall can also help cover damaged drywall or tile work. A painted wall can be a suitable backing for mounting a backsplash, but a few things must be kept in mind when undertaking this project.
Apply all-purpose construction adhesive in a circular pattern on the back side of the backsplash in the center and at both ends. Place the backsplash against the wall. Adjust the backsplash, so the ends of the backsplash line up with the outside edges of the vanity top. Push the backsplash against the wall.