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Asked by: Karon Mojarenko
food and drink desserts and bakingCan you put Mirror Glaze in the fridge?
In this manner, can you put a mirror glaze cake in the fridge?
Chocolate mousse cakes are not the onlywayto use mirror glaze. You can also useregularcake iced in plain old buttercream to make amirror glazecake with frosting. Once you putthe glazeon, let the cake chill in the fridgeuntilyou're ready to slice into it.
Also asked, how long does Mirror Glaze last in fridge?
The glazed cake has to be stored intherefrigerator to keep it's shine. It willkeep fortwo or three days before cloudying over.
Mirror glaze is made from sweetenedcondensedmilk, a little chocolate, water and gelatin andsometimesflavorings and colors. Mirror glaze sets because ofthegelatin but not hard. It is pretty sticky stuff.Mirrorglaze has a nice taste.