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Asked by: Encarnita Hadfield
home and garden interior decoratingCan you put new backsplash over old?
Also question is, can you put new tile over old?
If your old ceramic tile is worn or dated,you can lay new tile right over theold, and avoid the huge job of tearing out the oldtile. This assumes that the floor underneath is solid(concrete) and that there are no cracks in the existing tile(indicating underlying problems in the concrete).
Moreover, can peel and stick backsplash go over tile?
You can install peel and stick SmartTiles directly over your existing backsplash,whether it is glass or ceramic provided that your surface issmooth, sleek and without texture. You must also take intoconsideration the width and depth of your existing grout lines asthis might affect the outcome.
So, in short, you can tile over tile as long asyou're working on a fairly sound surface. The surface of theexisting tile should be uncompromised by mold or mildew,completely level (including grout), and without any warping orstrangely-placed tiles that might otherwise interfere with asmooth new layer.