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Asked by: Juli Vonguru
home and garden home appliancesCan you put raw chicken down the garbage disposal?
Steer clear from dropping turkey bones or chicken wings down your garbage disposal for obvious reasons. Never put veggies like celery, onion peels, lettuce, corn husks, asparagus etc. down your garbage disposal.
Also, can you put raw chicken in a garbage disposal?
Raw meat becomes stringy and wraps around the blades. It's better to bag up whatever meat you need to dispose of and take it out to the trash — rather than put meat down the garbage disposal. If you must send meat into the garbage disposal, make sure to only send very small pieces. Pasta & Rice (cooked or not).
People also ask, what should you not put down the garbage disposal?
8 Things You Should NEVER Put Down Your Garbage Disposal
- 1 Bones. They'll just keep spinning around and around with the blades.
- 2 Celery. The fibrous strings tend to tangle around your disposal's blades.
- 3 Coffee grounds. Coffee grounds are deceptive.
- 4 Egg shells. There's a bit of argument on this one.
- 5 Fruit pits.
- 6 Grease.
- 7 Pasta.
- 8 Potato peels.
It's fine to put citrus, apple, or banana peels into the garbage disposal, but be sure to remove any produce stickers before you do.