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Just so, can you put sperm in the freezer?
The vials are placed in the freezer and thetemperature is gradually decreased to below freezing. Thesperm bank will keep your samples frozen for as longas you want or need, allowing you to slow down theticking of your biological clock – babies have been conceivedusing sperm that has been frozen for up to 20years.
Similarly, can I freeze my partner's sperm at home?
"Men with very low sperm counts may be encouragedto freeze sperm before IVF, in case their fresh ejaculatehas no sperm in it on the day of their partner's eggretrieval," says Paula Brady, MD, reproductive endocrinologist andinfertility specialist at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia UniversityIrving Medical Center.
Cryopreserved specimens, when properly stored,will remain viable for an indefinite amount of time.Pregnancies have been reported for cases in which the spermhas been stored for 20 years prior to thawing andinsemination.