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Asked by: Winfried Oldenbostel
style and fashion makeup and accessoriesCan you put Styrofoam in slime?
Add one cup of styrofoam into your glueand water solution and mix thoroughly. 6. Add half a cup ofliquid starch into the mixture. Stretch and bounce the slimeto see how the mixture reacts.
Consequently, how do you make slime with Styrofoam?
How to Make Floam (Foam + Slime)
- Update: polystyrene balls are now easy to order on Amazon!
- Here are the supplies we used:
- Step 1: Pour 1/2 cup of glue into a bowl. Add some foodcoloring and stir.
- Step 2: Pour in 1/2 cup liquid starch. Mix well and then squishthe mixture with your hands.
- How long does it last?
- More fun with homemade slime:
- 4oz. bottle of white school glue.
- Food coloring.
- Bag of small styrofoam beads.
- ¼ tsp. baking soda/bi-carb soda.
- Shaving cream.
- Contact cleaning saline solution (containing boric acid)
- Mixing bowl.
- Spoon for mixing.
One may also ask, what do you need to make foam slime?
Fluffy Slime Ingredients
- 1 bottle of Elmer's white glue*
- Shaving cream (the foam kind, not the gel or cream kind)
- Borax solution (1 cup warm water with 1 teaspoon borax, mixeduntil clear)
- Eye contact solution (optional but recommended)
- Food coloring (optional)
- Essential oils (optional)
Styrofoam is made of polystyrene beads.Polystyrene melts at 240 Celsius (464Fahrenheit).