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Asked by: Jillian Torca
technology and computing emailCan you put the post office as a return address?
Just so, can you use the post office as a return address?
The Postal Service encourages mailers tousereturn addresses because if the piece is undeliverablewecan return it. The return address has the sameelementsas the Delivery Address and must be placed in theupper leftcorner of the address side or in the upper left oftheaddressing area. Mail withExtraServices.
Also to know, where do you put the return address on a letter?
How to address an envelope
- Write the return address in the top left corner.
- Then, write the recipient's address slightly centered onthebottom half of the envelope.
- To finish, place the stamp in the top right corner.
A dead letter office (DLO) is a facility withinapostal system where undeliverable mail is processed. Mailisconsidered to be undeliverable when the address is invalid soitcannot be delivered to addressee, and there is noreturnaddress so it cannot be returned to the sender.