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Asked by: Bessie Taha
home and garden indoor environmental qualityCan you put vinyl siding over brick chimney?
In this regard, can you put vinyl siding over brick?
Vinyl siding must be applied over a smooth, even, watertight surface. When you install siding over an existing brick, masonry or stucco wall, creating a level substrate for the siding is even more important. You need to first cover the brick with a layer of sheathing to which you'll attach the siding.
Beside above, how much does it cost to put siding over brick?
Brick Siding Cost The low to high price range for a 2,500 square foot home is $10,000 to $75,000, with most people spending about $18,000. This guide covers the cost of brick siding veneers and faux veneers. Solid brick walls cost $20 to $50 per square foot.
Here's how it's done.
- Step 1 - Mark Your Strip Locations. Mark on your brick wall at the location you'll need for each furring strip.
- Step 2 - Attach Your Furring Strips.
- Step 3 - Install Insulation, Caulking, and Siding Panels.