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Asked by: Maya Reinecke
music and audio tv and film podcastsCan you read people's books on YouTube?
In summary, you can read a book aloud.You can record your reading of it for your personaluse. You should NOT upload it to Youtube, or othersharing sites.
Just so, can you read childrens books on Youtube?
YouTube "Read Aloud" Book Videosfor Kids. Teaches them the narrative structure of a story orbook. Helps develop a love of stories, books, andreading that can carry on into the rest of theirlives.
Also, can you read public domain books on Youtube?
Yes, in general youare free to create an audiobook based on a publicdomain work. It's a good idea to be sure that the bookyou are using is truly in the publicdomain.
Read a book
- If you haven't already, turn on TalkBack.
- Open Play Books . If you already have the book, find it in the"Library" or "Home" screens.
- Open the book.
- Tap the screen, then double-tap to enter skim mode.
- Select More Read aloud. To move through the text on a page,swipe.