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Asked by: Kheireddine Jurjo
medical health ear nose and throat conditionsCan you read without saying the words in your head?
In respect to this, what is the voice in your head called when you read?
Not everyone talks to themselves out loud, but thatlittle voice talking inside your head exists ineveryone. That little voice is called inner speech,and you can hear it when you're thinking or silentlyreading. When inner speech is occurring, your larynxis actually making tiny muscular movements.
Herein, how do you stop Subvocalization when reading?
5 Ways To Minimize Subvocalization:
- Use Your Hand to Guide Your Eyes While Reading. We keep onemphasizing the importance of using your hand to guide youreyes.
- Distract Yourself.
- Listen To Music While Reading.
- Use the AccelaReader RSVP Application.
- Force Yourself To Read Faster Than You Normally Would.
A neuroscientist explains why we hear a voice inour heads when we are reading. Another phenomenonmentioned in other answers is subvocalization the act ofreading actually activates the muscles in the throat, vocalcords and sometimes the lips. When we learn to speak,we learn to make sounds with our mouths.