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Asked by: Brice Marcellan
music and audio dance and electronic musicCan you record live instruments on Ableton?
Also to know is, how many tracks can you record on Ableton Live Lite?
Currently, Live 9 Lite features 2 instruments,11audio effects, 8 MIDI effects, drum, effect and instrument racks,8tracks total, 8 scenes, 2 return tracks, 4 monoaudiochannels in (and 4 out).
Accordingly, how do I record a MIDI clip in Ableton?
To record into Arrangement View, you need toclickon the Global Record button, then hit Play. If youwant torecord into Session View, you only need to click ontheRecord button in a Clip Slot tostartrecording. It's also possible to create a MIDIclipwith a fixed length to record into.
Ableton is very good atrecordingaudio. If that's all that you need. There, however,is bunch ofother things to be considered that go hand in handwithrecording audio. All in all, Ableton Live is averycapable sequencer originally designed for loop-orientedmusicproduction and electronic music.