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Asked by: Manea Higgins
technology and computing emailCan you recover blocked text messages on iPhone?
Also question is, can you still receive text messages from a blocked number?
Blocking contacts via Messages When a blocked number tries to send youatext message, it won't go through, and theywilllikely never see the “delivered” note. Onyour end,you'll see nothing at all. You'll stillget themessages, but they'll be delivered to a separate“UnknownSenders” inbox.
Beside this, what happens to blocked texts on iPhone?
What happens to blocked texts on iPhone. Whenyoublock a contact, their texts go nowhere. Thepersonwhose number you've blocked won't receive any signthattheir message to you was blocked; their textwillsimply sit there looking as though it were sent and notyetdelivered, but in fact, it will be lost to theether
When calling from the blocked number,thecaller hears either one ring, or no rings at all, but theotherphone remains silent. The caller is then informed thattherecipient isn't available, and is diverted to voicemail (ifthatservice is set up by the personyou'recalling).