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Keeping this in view, how do you give someone Robux?
While there is no way to just give Robux toyourfriend, you can use the method that other players use to"donate"the virtual currency. Players seeking donations oftencreateclothing -- usually a T-shirt, referred to as a "donation"T-shirt-- to sell to other players in exchangeforRobux.
Subsequently, one may also ask, what is xsolla Roblox?
Xsolla Verification Charges(Micro-Transactions)For security reasons, you may be asked toverify your transactionwith our payment provider Xsolla whoenables users all overthe world to make safe and secure payments.Card verification is acommon practice that helps to ensure paymentsecurity.
Of course it is safe to buy robux! Tobuyrobux, you will need to go to upgrade and select theamount ofrobux you want to buy. There, you can paywith debit,credit, iTunes (if you are on the roblox app)rixty pointsand roblox game card (which you can buyat theconvince store).