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Asked by: Stevens Yachmenev
real estate real estate renting and leasingCan you rent an apartment under your business name?
Also to know is, can you rent an apartment under an LLC?
A limited liability company, much like a corporation, is a business entity regulated by states that is distinct from its owners and can enter into contracts. As a result, an LLC can rent an apartment. However, even though the LLC is registered with the state, you still have to do your due diligence.
Furthermore, can I rent an apartment under my business?
A: Provided your corporation's by-laws permit the leasing of real estate (typically by-laws do) then renting under a corporate name is possible.
RINs are commonly used by celebrities, members of congress, individuals involved in witness protection program and those who may have experienced identity theft. Currently the U.S. Government allows you to apply for a renters identification number. But you are not allowed to abuse these numbers.