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Asked by: Tejinder Ribas
business and finance real estate industryCan you rent an owner occupied home?
People also ask, can I have 2 owner occupied homes?
yes you can own two homes and have two separate mortgages. not sure if you have to declare one as a primary home and one as a second/vacation home. a third home would be an investment property even if you occupy it. just different way to get a mortgage usually putting at least 35% down.
Similarly, it is asked, do banks check owner occupancy?
Lenders usually stipulate that homeowners have 30 days after closing to occupy a primary residence. To verify the person moving in is actually the owner, the lender may call the house and ask to speak to the homeowner. A tenant is likely to respond that the owner lives elsewhere.
Generally, for a property to be owner-occupied, the owner must move into the residence within 60 days of closing and live there for at least one year.