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Asked by: Xiumei Villaverde
home and garden home appliancesCan you reset a Zanussi washing machine?
In this manner, how do you stop a Zanussi washing machine?
To stop this all you need to do is turn the dial to off which is the 12 oclock position. Then turn it to a spin cycle and press start and this should drain the water out. If its not draining the water then thats the fault here.
Subsequently, question is, how do you reset a PCB washing machine?
For Reset Washing Machine , you firstly press the Start Stop button once. After That Rotate the dial until Rinse, Wash, and Stop light illuminate. Turn the washer off and unplug it for 10 -15 seconds. Finally, turn on the washer and it should now be reset.
Now on these models the filter is internal on the bottom of the drum im afraid. To access this you need to pull the washer out and remove the back panel. Look towards the bottom of the drum and there you will see the pump. You need to remove this and then you can get to the pump chamber and check for debris in there.