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Asked by: Bridgette Chambino
family and relationships single lifeCan you Retwist dreads with gel?
Also asked, can you put gel on dreads?
Gel for Dreadlocks. There are a lotofpeople who use gel to start or createdreadlocksbecause it helps them moisturize natural hair andmake it moremalleable. However, keep in mind that gel shouldnot be usedfor every method out there, just for the ones thatrequire it. As aformula, gel is based on water.
One may also ask, what is the best gel to Retwist dreads?
6 Loc Retwisting Products for Shine, Hold, andLengthRetention
- Knotty Boy LockStead Tropical Tightening Gel.
- Jamaican Mango & Lime Resistant Formula Locking Gel.
- Murray's Gel-Loc Lock.
- Carol's Daughter Loc Butter.
- Knatty Dread Dreadlocks Cream.
- Darcy's Botanicals Organic Coconut Butter Styling Pomade.
Occasionally, the dreads will need to beretwistedso they can retain their shape, and that presents anopportunity toshampoo and condition them also. Honey mixedwith lemon willhold dreads in place as you twist them. Itis a natural andinexpensive way to keep dreadlocks lookingtheirbest.