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Asked by: Suwei Zarrouk
style and fashion perfume and fragranceCan you rub lavender oil directly on skin?
Accordingly, can you use undiluted lavender oil?
For example, true lavender essential oil(Lavandula angustifolia) can be used on the skin for cutsand minor burns, and it can be inhaled to promote relaxationand sleep. Lavender is one of the few essentialoils that can be used undiluted on small areasof the skin.
In this way, can you put essential oils on your skin?
Essential oil safety You can always add another drop, so start slow,whether you're using your oils topically,aromatically, or internally. Always read label directions for eachindividual oil before use. Do not put essential oilsin eyes, ears, nose, or other areas with sensitiveskin.
Massage some French Lavender Nourishing BodyCream into those dry spots to promote, smoother itch freeskin. Lavender oil isn't just soothing for your mind,it offers the same benefits for your skin. Uselavender oil for skin to help reduce redness, blotchypatches, and acne scarring.