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Asked by: Dijana Renaudin
hobbies and interests candle and soap makingCan you sand paper mache smooth?
Then, can you sand paper clay?
No matter how much you try to smooth outtheclay when it's wet, sanding is inevitable. Forthat,you'll need an assortment of differentsandingpapers, from coarse to very smooth ones. Because ofthe compositionof clay, the tiny fibres can't reallybe sanded awayunless you polish with ultra-finesandpaper forhours.
Correspondingly, how long should paper mache dry between layers?
Completely cover your form with a layer ofthesaturated newspaper strips. They should all beover-lappingand running in different directions. After onelayer isapplied, let it dry completely. Thiscan take up to24 hours.
Start with 91% Isopropyl rubbing alcohol. Brush itoverthe sculpture to remove large scratches, fingerprints, andtoolmarks. Mix water with the alcohol until you have about a 1:1ratio.Continue brushing the sculpture with this new mix until thesurfaceis as smooth as you can get it.