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Asked by: Vladas Bastanzuri
home and garden interior decoratingCan you sand textured plaster walls?
Consequently, can you sand plaster walls smooth?
Hi walls should never have to sanded if they have been skimmed by a professional plasterer. It is only necessary to sand the walls if the finish of the plaster is not perfect . However if you are sanding the walls use a sanding paper that is over 120 just so you make it very smooth to the touch .
People also ask, do you sand after textured walls?
No you don't need to sand the texture before you paint and to remove dust use a soft bristled broom. If you use water on the joint compound you will rewet it and smear it.
Sanding the Plaster If the plaster is only slightly uneven in spots, you can get away with using a block hand sander. If the plaster is horribly uneven, you may need to use an electric sander. Use a fine grade of sandpaper either way, and work slowly.