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Asked by: Jianxing Wree
hobbies and interests video productionCan you schedule multiple posts on Facebook?
Also question is, how many posts can you schedule on Facebook?
Five to seven posts a week is agoodposting frequency for most pages. So you may wanttoschedule 21 to 31 posts for any givenmonth.Your time may vary, but if you have pre-made graphics,andget into a rhythm with your text, it saves so much timeoverposting them one-by-one.
Just so, can you schedule posts on Facebook?
To schedule a post: Start creatingyourpost at the top of your Page's timeline. Click nexttoPublish and select Schedule. Below Publication, selectthedate and time when you want the posttopublish.
You can design and bulk schedulemultipleposts at once. You can do this at a time thatsuitsyou, and then use your tool of choice to deliveryourposts at the best times. With a socialmediascheduling tool, you can operate yoursocialaccount efficiently. They also give youtimeto create and push more content.