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Asked by: Aldonza Murueta
business and finance aviation industryCan you sell your non refundable airline ticket?
Consequently, can I sell my non refundable plane tickets?
Regular airlines like emphasizing that theireconomy tickets are non-transferable andnon-refundable because they make their profit fromselling business class seats. You can sell yourflight ticket to someone else to if your airline allows youto change the passenger name.
Beside this, can I cancel my United flight and get a refund?
Refundable Tickets When you purchase a refundable ticket on UnitedAirlines, you can cancel your flight at any timewithout paying a penalty. You will get a full refundfor the original ticket price.
And even non-refundable tickets may berefundable or changeable with many airlines for veryspecific unplanned events even if you do not have travelinsurance (death of an immediate family member, illness thatprevents travel, or jury duty, for example).